Thursday, May 22, 2008

Promotional Interview with Earl Hutchinson

You have been invited to share you experience with our readers.

Name: Earl Hutchinson

Tell us about yourself - where you are from, how you got started writing, what you do when you are not writing (or anything you want our readers to know)

I'm from Chicago, I got back into writing when I got an offer to be a staff writer at a local newspaper, didn't have a clue what I was doing, but as they say the rest is history, I'm a classical music buff, go to every concert I can

What inspired you to write your first book?

Passion and anger over a subject poverty and African-Americans that I felt no one was dealing with.

How many books have you written? 10

How do you decide on their topic?

My personal interest and passion for investigating/researching the subject.
I also look for ways to go with my writings and subject where no one else has gone.

What works best to keep you focused and on track?

To keep writing and stay focused.

Do you write to make money or for the love of writing?

If you're in it for the money you won't last, you got to get joy from the craft of putting ideas and pen to paper.

What are some traditional methods of marketing you have used to gain visibility for you and your book(s)?

Word of mouth, my columns, blogs, and interviews

What are some unique methods?

I rely a lot on my columns (taglines to books and links always there).

Do you sell through a website?

Not anymore have a solid distributor

Do you plan on writing additional books?

Yes, The Ethnic Presidency: How Race Decides the Race to the White House January 2008

Nikki Leigh – Fiction Author –
Promotional Services -
“Coastal Suspense with a Touch of Romance”

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